Brace yourselves for the ultimate Peep Show quiz, hosted by Paul Clayton, AKA Sophie’s Dad! Known for his stern yet hilariously awkward moments on the cult classic, Paul will be putting your Peep Show knowledge to the test.
Get ready to dive deep into one of Britain’s favourite sitcoms and see if you can impress Sophie’s formidable father with your trivia skills!
How it Works:
There are a maximum of 8 players to a team
Tickets are purchased individually, and you form your own teams on the day – don’t worry, you don’t have to purchase them all at once
Seating is unallocated, so make sure you arrive in your full groups to be able to sit together
For smaller groups, you may be sat with another team, so be prepared to make friends!
We recommend that you come down as early as possible to ensure that you have plenty of time to enjoy the food and drink that we have on offer. We open our doors at 6pm and the show will start at 7pm sharp.